Paper Submission and Publication

APCCM invites papers describing original contributions in all fields of conceptual modelling and related areas. Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length conforming to the formatting instructions as outlined below.

Each paper will be judged on its originality, significance, technical quality, relevance and presentation. The quality of accepted papers is further strengthened by a low acceptance rate of about 30%.

APCCM proceedings will be published by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) in the CRPIT Series. Please note that it is CRPIT policy that at least one author of all accepted papers to the conferences and workshops in the series would both register and present at the event concerned. Failure to do so without a reason acceptable to the organisers of the event will result in the paper being retrospectively withdrawn from both the proceedings and all citation sources.
It is also CRPIT policy that all papers be original and not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Once again, we reserve the right to retrospectively withdraw a paper from the proceedings if we later find this not to be the case.

After the conference, authors of the best papers will be invited to submit an extended version for publication in a joint Special Issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS).

Formatting Guidelines

The proceedings of this event will be published by the ACS as Volume 1??, Conceptual Modelling 2014 in the CRPIT Series. The formatting requirements and resources for authors can be found on the CRPIT Authors Page together with a list of all upcoming volumes.


Electronic Submission

Submission to APCCM 2015 will be electronically only via EasyChair. The online submission system can be accessed HERE-->